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Bennett Avionics

KN-62A DME (-04, with Silver Crown Plus faceplate)

  • KN-62A DME (-04, with Silver Crown Plus faceplate) Closeup
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  • KN-62A DME (-04, with Silver Crown Plus faceplate) Brochure

KN-62A DME (-04, with Silver Crown Plus faceplate)

Product Information
Part Number: P/N: 066-1068-04
Condition: Serviceable (Certified Used)
Certification: 8130-3
Voltage: 14/28 V
Included: 90 Day Warranty
Comments: We are using a brochure photo for this radio, until we are able to post photos of an actual KN-62A (-04, with Silver Crown Plus faceplate).
Comments: This version of the KN-62A is required in parts of Europe, including Germany.
Comments: Our supply of used mounting racks is very limited. If you need the rack & connector (for a new installation), they are available at extra cost.
Plug-in replacement: King KN-62A (-01 version)
Plug-in replacement: King KN-62A
Plug-in replacement: King KN-62
Plug-in replacement: King KN-64

This is the -04 version of the King KN-62A. This version includes a harmonic transmission filter (which is required in much of Europe), just like the KN-62A -01.  It also has a modern Silver Crown Plus faceplate, which features more comprehensive backlighting and larger, sturdier knobs.  The KN-62A -04 is styled to match other Silver Crown Plus radios, such as the KX-155A NAV/COMM.

If you are looking for a TSO'd, high-power, panel mounted DME, King's KN-62A is just what you need. It is capable of providing DME information for all 200 NAV channels. The KN-62A has an external channeling capability, allowing it to get the proper NAV channel from your existing NAV Receiver. You may also tune the KN-62A directly. This feature lets you monitor your position relative to other VORs, while still navigating toward the primary VOR station.

The KN-62A's display will simultaneously show distance, groundspeed, and time-to-station. This is King's standard gas discharge display, which will match the rest of your Silver Crown radio stack.

The KN-62A also features:

  • All solid state design for reliability
  • 100 watts transmit power
  • TSO'd
If you have any questions about this item, please click Ask us about the King KN-62A DME (-04, with Silver Crown Plus faceplate) to send us an email.

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